Monday, October 18, 2010

Calling your baby "Daddy"!?

I'm not hating or anything, I just find it odd and somewhat repulsive when mothers address their prepubescent sons and daughters as "Daddy" and "Mama". I am not the parent of these children and I have no right to tell parents how they should raise their children (apparently that's the government's job), however, I feel compelled to tell these parents, "That kid is not your father, that's biologically and chronologically impossible!". I wonder if calling their 4 year old son "Daddy" makes these mothers feel younger? I really have no idea what produces this familial nomenclature, but I must say, it freaks me out a little. Now I must confess, that many things I do certainly repel the general public too, I am not exactly the poster child for normalcy, nor do I ever want to be. As enstranged as I am, I cannot honestly condemn this behavior as problematic, I truly have no idea what kind of impact calling your child "daddy" or "mama" would have on them. Nonetheless, I advise that you not try to feign surprise in the future whenever your little 15 year old "daddy" comes home and tells you he just knocked up some "mama". That's all I have to say.... I think.

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